Must Have Food Items for Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is also known as intermittent energy restriction. It an umbrella term for various schedules of meal timings. It is a cycle between your voluntary fasting that is a reduced calorie intake, and the other one is non-fasting. Intermittent fasting including alternate-day fasting (ADF), daily time-restricted feeding, and periodic fasting. In intermittent fasting, the question arises about weight-loss strategy.

Intermittent fasting does not lead you to starvation nor it slows down the metabolism of a person. For intermittent fasting, you need a diet quality because you will not get the body of your dreams by having hamburgers and fries. Eating junk food does not provide you calcium, protein, iron, and fiber. For that, you need a food guide that will help you to prevent nutrient shortfalls.

Food Items for Intermittent Fasting 


While intermittent fasting, you need important aspects for maintaining a healthy diet pattern. Water promotes hydration. Our body goes without fuel for 12 to 16 hours while intermittent fasting and the energy comes from the sugar stored in the liver. It is also known as glycogen. As the energy from the sugar is burned, fluid and electrolytes disappear.

Drinking 8 cups of water prevent dehydration and promote better blood flow, muscle and joint support, and cognition. 

Minimally-Processed Grains

When it comes to losing weight, carbohydrates are not the enemy but also an essential part of life. You spend a large chunk of your day in fasting, it is important to think strategically about having adequate calories. A healthy diet minimizes the processed foods. For fast easy fuel, you can have crackers, whole-grain bread, and bagels because they digest quickly. 

If you are planning to work out or exercise during intermittent fasting, then these will be a great source of energy. 


Lentils are a pack of high fiber punch. It contains the 32 percent of daily fiber needed by a person. A half-cup of lentils fulfills the needs of daily fiber. They are also a good source of 15 percent iron, which is needed by the human body daily. It is recommended for active females undergoing intermittent fasting. 


Fiber is a shortfall nutrient that keeps your going on the whole day. According to studies, about 10 percent of western populations consume an adequate level of whole fruits. Raspberries are delicious and contain a high fiber content. It helps you to keep up the pace during shortened feeding window. Eight grams of fiber per cup would be the best option for intermittent fasting. 


Many newbies of intermittent fasting question that will a daily Starbucks run break a fast? It does not, because coffee is allowed in intermittent fasting. Coffee is a calorie-free beverage in its natural state. You can also consume coffee outside the designated feeding window. Adding minute amounts of syrups, candied flavoring, and creams break the intermittent fasting. 

Keep your coffee natural so that your diet plan of intermittent fasting helps you in getting the body of your dreams. 


Hummus is another plant-based protein known to mankind as the creamiest and tastiest dip. It is a great source of nutrition boost. It is a great and nutritious content of staples like a sandwich. If you want to make your hummus at home, then the perfect recipe includes tahini and garlic. You can make your hummus at home and enjoy it with different guided food items for intermittent fasting. 


White potatoes are digested by the human body easily with minimal effort just like whole-grain bread. Potatoes are also a source of protein and they help you to feed the hungry muscles. It is a perfect snack for post-workout. Once the potatoes are cooled, they form a resistant starch that fuels the good bacteria in your gut. 


There has been a dramatic reduction in animal-based proteins. The animal-based proteins keep optimal health and longevity. Using seitan incorporates life-extending and plant-based protein substitute. It is also known as wheat meat. You can simply bake, batter, or dip it in your favorite sauces for intermittent fasting. 

Vitamin D Fortified Milk

An adult needs 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. For this, you have to drink 3 cups of milk per day. Having a reduced feeding window, drinking 3 cups of milk per day would be scarce. On other hand, you need high-calcium foods. For this purpose, you can use Vitamin D Fortified Milk, which enhances the absorption of calcium in the human body. This will help you to keep the bones strong. 

Also, you can add milk to your cereal or smoothies or just drink a cup with meals. In case, you are not a fan of beverages and you are non-dairy, then you can use soy products, tofu, and leafy greens like kale for high calcium consumption. 

Wild-Caught Salmon

Europe, Asia, Latin America, and United States are well known for lifestyle choices and dietary for extreme longevity. Salmon fish is consumed by people living in these regions. It is one of the best brain-boosting food items with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help you to have a decreased hunger level, reduces inflammation, and increases fat burn. It also improves blood sugar regulation and increases the effects on weight loss by exercise. 

Wild-caught salmon consists of 1,500 milligrams of fatty acids in a 3-ounce portion. These are the essential fatty acids that a human body cannot produce naturally. 


In intermittent fasting, one does not eat a lot and has a much smaller window of feeding than a normal person. This is how it works for losing weight. The principle of energy in versus energy out holds. If you are having a balanced diet of plenty of fruits and other sources of vitamins, nutrition, and carbohydrates, then you don’t need to consume vitamin supplements. 

In case, you feel hectic by following a strategic intermittent fasting guideline, then you can consume the supplements to fill the gaps. 


Isoflavones are one of the active compounds in soybeans that inhibits UVB-induced cell damage. It promotes anti-aging. Soybeans are one of the popular ingredients in Japanese recipes. They consist of a large number of nutrients that are healthy for the human body. Soybeans are also a great appetizer before serving any meal of Japanese recipe. 

Red Wine

Polyphenols found in grapes have an anti-aging effect that gives you a night of beauty sleep. There is an enzyme in the human body, known as SIRT-1. It acts upon resveratrol in the presence of caloric deficit. It enhances longevity and insulin sensitivity. 


If the daily supplements do not sound appealing to you, then you can take a double dose of vitamins by making homemade smoothies. You can make homemade smoothies with fruits and vegetables according to your taste. They are a great way to consume different fruits in one smoothie. Each smoothie is uniquely packed with different essential nutrients. 


Having intermittent fasting without consuming the required vitamins, calcium, carbohydrates, nutrition, iron, and fiber leads to a lot of human body problems. It can cause stress due to a reduced feeding window. It gives you tiredness, headaches, dehydration, etc. To avoid all these problems, you must have these food items for healthy intermittent fasting.