Must Haves for a Skincare Routine

Skincare has been an emerging trend since the rise of the beauty industry in recent years. Most of the content on skincare comes from beauty influencers and brands. Therefore, cosmetics and skincare usually go hand in hand.

However, skincare itself has its complexity and process. Therefore, it is essential to know the skincare products that best suit your face to attain the best results.

Those who are beginners in the skincare game may ask for the essential must-haves in a skincare routine. Ask no more, for here are the most basic and essential products you need in a skincare routine.


You need to start your skincare routine by cleansing your face and getting rid of the majority of the dirt, makeup, and unnecessary stuff in and on your skin. So, you need a cleanser for that.

In the morning, splash your face with water and use a gentle and water-soluble cleanser that is suited for your skin type. You need to avoid cleansers with soap ingredients as these dry out your skin.

Finding the best cleanser requires you to identify what type of skin you have and then find products that work well with it. You can also use cleansers with multiple uses, such as those that target your specific skin concerns, from acne, dryness, oiliness, or sensitivity.

Remember to always go for quality products. Regardless of whether they are high-end or low-end products, check their ingredients and reviews to choose one that is more effective and better for your skin. These are a few things you need to check, especially when shopping for skincare products online.


There is a misconception in the skincare industry that toners are harsh and irritating to the skin, the reason why people used to skip using toners. While this is true for the previous generation of toners, brands have now developed more gentle formulas for the skin.

Toners are an essential part of your skincare routine as they serve multiple purposes. They help the skin absorb the following layers of products, and some toners also target specific skin concerns. Additionally, they remove excess makeup and oil residues that were not picked up by cleansers.

More importantly, it helps balance your skin. For example, your skin’s pH level can sometimes be altered by the harsh chemicals or products you put in your skin, such as soaps, which are drying. Therefore, using toners can balance this back for healthier skin. Fortunately, some skincare products are now well-balanced.

Just like any other skincare products, use toners that are best suited for your skin type. Generally, go for gentle, non-alcohol-based toners which have skin-repairing, calming, and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Note that when you have not used toners ever since and your skin looks perfectly healthy, doctors recommend that you remain toner-free.


As the name suggests, an exfoliator gets rid of dead skin, bacteria, and other harmful product residues on your skin. This crucial skincare step must only be used at least twice a week, not regularly.

Some cleansers provide chemical exfoliants, or you can opt for a physical exfoliator. Chemical exfoliators work best with sensitive skin while physical exfoliators are for occasional use and go well with dry and flaky skin types.


Serums are products packed with nutrients and active ingredients either serving multiple purposes or treating specific skin concerns.

Multipurpose serums often include brightening, repairing, hydrating, and anti-aging formulas, while there are also a wide variety of concern-specific serums.

The best way to apply serums is to make sure that they are absorbed by the skin and spread evenly. Dermatologists also recommend using antioxidant serums, which mainly protect your skin from UV rays and other environmental pollutants your skin might be exposed to.

Eye Cream

Dermatologists recommend that you apply an eye cream every night or twice a day. This should maintain the health and thickness of your eyelid skin, especially starting from your 20s. In addition, this ensures that your eyelid skin remains smooth and tight.

Take note that you have to be consistent to see the best results. For improved eye cream application, you can also choose eye cream products that contain SPF to protect it from UV rays and wearing sunglasses to avoid eye squinting that can create lines under your eyes.

Targeted Treatments

Targeted treatments are meant for specific concerns, such as blemishes, dark spots, and physical manifestation of skin conditions, such as eczema.

These targeted treatments contain effective ingredients that should be used according to your preference and recommended use.

Since these targeted treatments have active ingredients specific to treating skin issues, you must first check its recommended use and application and consult with a dermatologist before using it. For instance, acne spot treatments can quickly dry out your skin, so make sure that you only apply it where it is needed.

Some common examples of targeted treatments are Retinols and hyperpigmentation treatments.


Everyone needs their skin to be hydrated, even those with oily skin. You need to lock in moisture into your skin after all the dehydration it has gone through due to sun and weather exposure and chemicals in the products that you use.

Some moisturizers are made for all types of skin, and some contain extra antioxidants and vitamins.

Dermatologists recommend you apply moisturizer while the skin is damp. Another thing to note when using moisturizer is when you are also using acne spot treatments. Ensure that you do not apply moisturizer where you apply your treatments as it may interfere with the chemical process.


Finally, protect your skin from harsh sun exposure and UV rays with sunscreen. You can either use physical, mineral, or chemical sunscreen. Physical and mineral sunscreen physically protects the skin, while chemical sunscreen needs to penetrate the skin to take effect.

Using chemical sunscreen can be tricky since it needs to be absorbed, and the presence of layers of products on your face can hinder this. On the other hand, if you place sunscreen before your skin products, these products may also not work.

Therefore, it is recommended that you use physical sunscreen with zinc and apply it after your moisturizer or go for chemical sunscreens that already have moisturizing benefits, so you don’t have to worry about your products interfering with each other’s purposes.